Introverts' Job Search & Career Advice (1-on-1 monthly sessions)

Are you an introverted professional feeling frustrated with your career or grappling with the never-ending job search?

We helped many introverts like you, who felt discouraged, received no response from employers, didn't pass job interviews or were unsure how to advance their career. We understand your struggle!

Join one or more sessions the Introvert's Job Search & Career Compass! 

Bring your questions about job search and career development and we’ll help you unlock your potential.

Discover how to leverage your introvert strengths for success in:

  • Job Search: Gain insights into strengthening the weakest parts of your job search process, leveraging your introvert strengths.
  • Career Change or Development: Get more clarity for developing your career path and professional growth in a supportive, like-minded environment.
  • Aligning your job search with the desired career goal.

Interact with fellow introverted professionals, share experiences, and gain valuable insights to navigate your journey with confidence.

What to expect:

  • Being an interactive session (without presentation), we customize the advice based on participants’ specific situation, skills, background, and goals.
  • Our sessions include exercises and thought-provoking questions to facilitate discussions and deepen your learning.
  • Depending on the number of participants, we might split the group into Breakout Rooms to ensure personalized attention and engagement.

What attendees of the previous sessions said:

  • It introduced me to a different aspect of job search, especially from a psychological perspective. ~ M.A.
  • The session encouraged me to share openly my deep concerns, fears, and it gave me hope that I still have a place in the market. ~ Farah G.
  • In less than three weeks of job search, I’ve got a job in my field by applying what I learned in these sessions. ~ Julie P.
  • I was seeking clarification for my career path. Gabriela has been able quickly to not only understand my situation but also suggest some very insightful advice. ~ Ludo P.

The Introverts’ Job Search & Career Compass is a recurring online monthly event. Join us for one or more sessions, depending on your needs. Registration is required for each session.

Introverts' Job Search & Career Compass facilitator:

Gabriela Casineanu is the founder of Introverts Academy, Career Coach, and award-winning author of Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search and other books for introverts. She has a decade of experience in applying a coaching approach to employment and career counselling, and helped thousands of introverts find jobs and advance their careers. With a broad background—in engineering, IT, quality assurance, management, business, learning & development, coaching, and wellness—Gabriela brings a multi-disciplinary and system thinking perspective to help participants advance toward their goals.

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