Career Coaching for Introverts (1-on-1)

Would you like to... 

  • Understand the weakest points of your job search or career development process? And how to strengthen them?
  • Learn how to leverage your introvert strengths more effectively to build the career path you want?
  • Feel more confident and assertive in pursuing your career goals while staying true to your introvert nature?

 Click Request a Call button below to:

  • Schedule your Introduction: Career Coaching call (20 minutes) to see if this service is a good fit for you
  • Answer a few questions in preparation for the call
  • And we'll follow up with you shortly.

Who is proving Career Coaching?

On behalf of the Introverts Academy, Gabriela Casineanu (our founder) provides this service.
An introvert herself, Gabriela is the award-winning author of "Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search." She navigated successfully various fields: engineering, IT, coaching, business, adult education, and marketing.
With a decade of experience in applying a coaching approach to employment and career counseling, Gabriela has helped thousands of professionals (mostly introverts) find jobs and build rewarding careers.

What people say:

  • In less than three weeks of job search, I’ve got a job in my field by applying what I learned in the workshops… and the job was not even advertised internally or externally! ~ Julie P.
  • I was seeking clarification for my career path. Gabriela has been able very quickly to not only understand my situation but also suggest some very insightful advice. Also, she shared some of her experience relevant to my situation. She definitively has that gift to challenge your thought process once she has captured the key drivers of your case. I would warmly recommend her if you feel stuck and need some perspective to overcome your issues and move forward. ~ Ludo Pasquereau
  • I had the pleasure of working with Gabriela in a series of coaching sessions to better frame my career change. Beyond the practical advice related to the initial objective, the real added value I received was understanding myself at a deeper level. I became aware of my potential weaknesses that can put me at a disadvantage in various situations. Her expertise, knowledge (shared in several books) and her extensive network make her an exceptional coach. ~ Dara Tai

4 Modules

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